Well the days are longer, The grills are out and summer is upon us!! So given the mood i am in I have Comprised the playlist to be your starter Kit for SUMMER!
but before i begin all my indie fans i musy say i was fairly dissapointed by the much hyped Debut From Zooey Deshanel and M Ward also known as She & Him.
BUT i am much awaiting the full length Debut from My new Favorite band CHESTER FRENCH. If you dont ALREADY know these cats... you are soooo behind the times. so check them out at their myspace page!
im short on time so no descriptions. Just listen and enjoy... If you have any questions just ask.
1. A really catcy song from the foulmouthed songsters. except there is almost no cursing in this song
Come As You Were-- The Bird And The Bee
2. Melody Day-- Caribou
3.If you dont have The Odd Couple buy it NOW
Going On-- Gnarls Barkley
4. I cant seem to get this song out of my head now that it is on the new iTunes commercial
Shut Up And Let Me Go-- The Ting Tings
5. Man this is a psychadelic Favorite of mine
Can't Seem To Make You Mine-- The seeds
6. OK so if TRAINSPOTTING was a romantic comedy... and not about heroin for some reason i think this would be the song on the end credits
You, Me and the Bourgeisie-- The Submarines
7. OH anybody remember the attempted Glam Rock Revival of the late 90's I DO! If you know who this lead singer is married to you win like a million cool points and maybe a prize.
Mungo City-- Spacehog
8. This band has grown up since their debut
I Box Up All The Butterflies-- Boy Least Likely To
9. If you Liked Sugar Assult Me (which i did) then this is another Pop Levi Classic
Dollar Bill Rock-- Pop Levi
10. OMG this song will stay in your head forever but it is like the BEST summer anthem EVER
New York Groove-- Kiss
11.Fluffy Clouds Of Joy-- The Bumblebees
12. Another Classic from my favorite band from Glasgow
Radio Heart-- The Futureheads
13. You thought we had successfully killed all of them... but the fact is THEY WILL NOT DIE... EVER
Ultraviolet-- The B-52's
14. Im so glad they are back together. Even If Jason Shwartzman has better things to do now
Do the Panic-- Phantom Planet
15. I dont care if you have heared it 1 time or 1,000,000 times. Its still Badass
Paper Planes-- M.I.A.
And Mary I made this ones for you!!!!!
IMPORTANT NOTICE: For all you newcomers as of 2008 the playlists no longer expire so if you missed one., Or simply want to download again, or tell a friend then you can go to last couple of playlist and re-download!
1 day ago