I will not bore you with my drama (it's not THAT kind of blog now) but I was in a really bad car wreck. So I got behind in some stuff. I'm better now and more exciting then that I'M BACK!!!
So settle down now children I have new music!
1. It's Miss. Lilly Allen back from her personal hiatus, and aren't we glad now! This song really cracks me up.... and no she is not saying "thank-you very much"
Guess Who Batman-- Lilly Allen
2. The theme song from my new favorite TV show True Blood. I'm such a dweeb, and Alan Ball is a genius.
Bad Things--Jace Everett
3. Long haired bard from South Carolina "loves beer but loves women more" isnt that always just the case.
You Stood Me Up-- Benji Hughes
4. I must say 2 years ago when The Strokes announced their "break to pursue solo projects" I have to say I was very VERY skeptical. But Albert Hammond has really made a name for himself and his second solo album is really ace so if you don't have it... pick it up.
Feed Me Jack Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Peter Sellers-- Albert Hammond Jr.
5. Newest single from my favorite Jacksonville indie kids.... Remeber like a year ago when I posted that rough demo of Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance? Yeah now look at them all grown up.... *sigh* makes me so proud!
Look At Me (When I Rock Wichoo)-- Black Kids
6. I know I miss the strokes. So I had to give you another one. This one just makes me nostalgic I just wish Julian Cassablancas was singing instead.
Everyone Gets A Star-- Albert Hammond Jr.
7. I just recently saw these guys. Amazing show. They have been around for forever, but they have just been getting some publicity in the indie scene and their newest LP Stage Names is REALLY good.
A Hand To Take Hold Of The Scene-- Okkervil River
8. Piano, cello, white people, and irresistible melodies.
The Crook Of My Good Arm-- Pale Young Gentlemen
9. I know you are thinking "whaaaat? Beyonce's sister?" yes and her album Sol-Angel is fabulous.
Sandcastle Disco-- Solange
10. I really couldn't describe these next guys so I'll let the people at Obscuremusic.com do it"Loveninjas are four or five Swedish boys in their mid 20's with dirty hair and black clothes. They are determined to make love with Japanese girls and then write songs about it."
I Wanna Be Like Jonny C-- Loveninjas
11. Calvin Harris Makes me MELT! Best producer on the scene if you ask me. And yes that includes Mark Ronson and Stuart Price. OK so that might be a little lofty for someone so fresh but one day he WILL be that good. And you will be glad I told you.
Dance Wiv Me-- Dizzee Rascal feat. Calvin Harris
12. Ranging in retro pop From the 50's-70's 4 piece band Georgie James is mostly John Davis and Laura Burhenn. Basic arrangements but Burhenn's voice is so unique it stands against the backdrop of mediocrity.
Cake Parade-- Georgie James
13. Hailing from Oxford, AL (whoo for locals) this family band has harmonies that will make you swoon!
Pieces-- The Bridges
14. Fresh from the PASTE Magazine Songwriters tour Kate Herzig is folk with some serious guitar.
Hologram--Kate Herzig
15. Truly unique and always original
Cannibal Queen-- Miniature Tigers
16. Well Straight out of the punk scene which he has been a part of since he was sixteen is Jay Reatard. I get kicks from HIS guitar licks.
My Shadow-- Jay Reatard
17. Now this is off her first CD but its been stuck in my head lately as I think about leaving my slow suburban life.... and as we end this year's hey-day wedding season.... much love Nellie!
I Wanna Get Married-- Nellie McKay
18. The Cure meets Folk Duo The Watson Twins. Skeptical? Yeah, I Dare you not to play this song while making out in your car on Alford Ave. hmmmm? That's what I thought.
Just Like Heaven-- The Watson Twins
19. Avant-Garde pop band does it again. This is a beat driven dance jam. So you need to crank this up in your car to get the real effect. "Cause I want you like I'm eighteen!!!!!"
Get Over It--Guillemots
20. Hey its another English pop quartet. how original. But seriously this song is really awesome.
I Could Never Lie-- The Rifles
21. Tim DeLaughter is a god of arrangement. You are a fool if you don't already own the THUMBSUCKER soundtrack. But Imagine (if you will) he is your high school choir teacher, who used to be a grunge rocker. Then multiply that awesomeness by one million. then you might get somewhere close to how good this cover song is.
Lithium--Polyphonic Spree
now tell me how much you missed me and maybe I'll be less likely to take a break.
Love To All My Devoted Followers
and special love to Andrew M. for whom this post is for ( I didnt want to leave you high and dry for another month now would I?)
1 day ago
MUCH LOVE!! Don't make us wait so long!!
Tim DeLaughter be PRAISED! Im so freaking excited to get this
Go Rachel! Love the selection - always amazing. Thank you for posting the update on my facebook wall!
You're so amazing. No joke.
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