and so goes another IndieRock Playlist
1. So this is the theme song for my all-time favorite webby about hipsters called The Burg. It's pretty amazing.
Satellite In My Brain--Infidels
2. This is so amazing. Its Eastern Europe rock. And it just reminds me of getting drunk at a really hip party.
Ua-a-a!--Cheese People
3. New Franz! WOO HOO!
Lucid Dreams-- Franz Ferdinand
4. Who is Amanda Palmer? And why is she writing fan letters to the British super band Oasis? Rape, abortion and 2 ill fated tickets to see Blue In October. That's what you can expect from the female half of Dresden Dolls. Caution.
Oasis-- Amanda Palmer
5. This is incredible. This track was recorded in a spare bedroom in London. I really cant wait until these guys get signed and get some real studio time!
Broken-- Late of the Pier
6. Scouting for girls is fabulous. they have just the right of humor with their pop. But not to the point where it becomes straight comedy. Its just nostalgic.
James Bond-- Scouting For Girls
7. First time i heard Bo Pepper (another one of this months unsigned) it reminded me of when I saw another unknown band at the Lancaster Library. Now known as the Long Blondes. my fav
No One But Yourself-- Bo Pepper
8. Ok so you have to listen to this song. and then repeat. AMAZING.
Strange Animal-- Sparks
9.The Steeples possess a certain quirkiness that few bands can convincingly convey. With poignant yet quirky lyrics combined with their sweat-filled, hi octane live sets, they have already garnered themselves an enviable reputation and a hardcore following of self-styled ‘Steeple People’.
Loosy Lucy-- The Steeples
10. If anyone is glad that Richard Ashcroft finally made up with the rest of the members of The Verve.... It is me. **sigh** I'm so happy!
Rather Be-- The Verve
11. If your reaction is "Spinto who?" Umm yeah. Get out of my blog.
No seriously... i can see right thru your silly Indie kid facade... well at least download the song.
Vivian, Don't-- The Spinto Band
12. Locked away in his bedroom with just a piano and some lo-fi recording equipment for company, Mike tapped into a rich vein of songwriting: like Jarvis fronting the Eels with Ben Folds on piano, coupled with The Flaming Lips’ technicolor ambitions and melodies to match, Stars and Sons were born.
In the Ocean-- Stars And Sons
13. Not much more to say about these guys other than they first appeared on the playlist last year. They are even more infectious than they are sarcastic.
Hey Little Sweetie-- Little Man Tate
14. COME BACK MacGyver!!!!!!! Norway misses you. And so do I.
Macgyver Blues-- My Little Pony
15. These Portland Based madmen play most of their shows... (gasp!) For FREE!! And they truly do rock.
Sleepytime In The Western World-- Blitzen Trapper
16. Fuzzy, math-rock. Lilting guitars, and perfectly constructed harmonies. That is what Maps & Atlases are.
Artichokes-- Maps & Atlases
17. Its a softer side to shout-rockers The Vines.
Kara Jayne-- The Vines
18. If you haven't heard of Razorlight. Then you have most likely been living in a box. Either way they are KICK out the jams. NME's pick for the Cool List 2007. Still Cool TO ME!
Burberry Blue Eyes-- Razorlight
19. I Call Shotgun... they're about heavy synth, dirty bass and catchy call your boyfriend and tell him you won't be home tonight.
Indie Sweet-- I Call Shotgun
20. HEY its everyone's favorite Family band. The guys who inspired Sufjan. gather for a new album due later this year.
Animal In Every Corner-- Danielson
21. I love the sound of a band built on a love of vinyl. Something that sounds like all the punk I've been listening to lately.
Sexual Riot-- The Metros
and look for December's Punk Special!
happy 21 To dearest Anne
And to Mary My favorite childhood indie follower. MUCH LOVE!
1 day ago
Yay Rachel for another spectacular playlist! This is the first one I didn't already have stuff off of and I'm super stoked about all my new jams!
this is terrible, the worst blog EVER!
scouting for girls --- are you having a laugh love?
franz ferdinand? the verve? razorlight? all balax
love you need to sort yourself out and get some decent music in yee, try some northern irish bands out...
i agree with jonny rocks, that list is dreadful, really embarrassing... i'll give you a list of decent bands if you want...
haha eyo, you thought that i was jonny...guess i should apologise for tricking you...jonny won't kick me in the nuts though cos he thinks i'm awesome...
and i'm afraid i definitely have way better taste in music than you love, sorry it's just true.
add me on facebook and i'll throw some your way...
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